Wednesday, 8 May 2013

A Rant Against Pandas (with no offence intended)

OK, yes, pandas are absolutely adorable. And that is the only reason they have survived till now. Seriously: they express no intention to adapt to any circumstance, they gobble up millions of dollars every year, and they only eat bamboo, despite having a stomach adapted to meat. I like pandas. I realize that they need saving. But economically, it's really not worth a lot. Millions of dollars on captive breeding programs? What the money should really be going towards is conserving the Chinese forests, then not only will pandas be saved, but countless other species, maybe even some we don't even know exist yet! But I will give one thing about these furry creatures: they have bucked up the interest in animal conservation, but they are still absolutely amazing in how lazy, unvaried, and lethargic they are.

The Glasswing Butterfly


  1. What you've just posted isn't right. They're fat and lazy, so what? Does that really mean that they don't need saving? So, are you saying that we should just let them die off and let them starve to death? This is animal cruelty. It isn't righteous to the creatures of the earth. It isn't the pandas faults that they were born lazy. They just aren't the greatest species. And maybe it's one of the purposes of mankind. To help those in need.

    The Blobfish (aka Savior of the Uglies)

  2. Point valid, Blobfish. Agreed. And I don't think you've read this properly.
    "I like pandas. I realize that they need saving. But economically, it's really not worth a lot. Millions of dollars on captive breeding programs? What the money should really be going towards is conserving the Chinese forests, then not only will pandas be saved, but countless other species, maybe even some we don't even know exist yet!"
    I like pandas. I don't want them to die. I just don't want ONLY them to survive an apocalypse because you have to realize a lot of money is spent on trying to keep them alive in captivity when really it should be spent on saving where they live, where the loss of bamboo is affecting other creatures too.
    The Glasswing Butterfly

  3. Haha. You sound just like Mr. Cyr(I almost said cry) I think he would be pretty impressed/happy to find that you have the same opinion. I too have the same opinion, I mean like seriously why spend so much money on one animal when other animals are facing greater danger. For example Polar Bears, we have done almost nothing to help(as far as my knowledge goes). So theres my micro rant.

  4. Yay! I have supporters: see Blobfish?


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