Wednesday, 3 July 2013


First of all, a prominent thumbing to the Blobfish. With her usual lack of planning, he hasn't bothered to prepare anything before she left on vacation. So, don't expect any Pawsome Scribbles for quite a couple of weeks. Unless I move my butt and draw something, which is highly unlikely and will most probably not even be worth looking at. And onto my second piece of news:
Happy happy happy happy happy happy dance!
Remember that very slightly hyperactive piece I wrote about the Common Birdwing earlier? I emailed someone at the Nature Society Singapore's Butterfly Interest Group about it and he asked me to write about it for the NSS newsletter... so I did. The Common Birdwing is a new location record in the area: Oh my god! Almost a month later, and as many emails, it's finally in the newsletter! Squee! Here's the link for all those that want to appreciate how awesome I am...
Also, I recently visited the Nagarhole Tiger Reserve so you do not have my permission to be bored at the prominently big-cat themed posts that will follow in a couple days.

The Glasswing Butterfly, Published Author (:D)

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Hello, commenter.
Nice to know you're showing interest in what we're doing. The Glasswing Butterfly and the Blobfish urge you to be nice while commenting and will hunt you down and find you if you aren't. You don't want to see a near-invisible butterfly and a gloppy slimy blob outside your front door. Trust me.